Christina "thumper" hopper

“I recently had the pleasure of working with Christina, and I could not have asked for a better experience. Christina is a very powerful speaker that was able to completely captivate her audience, despite the venue being virtual. She spoke to over 500 of my peers (ranging from junior team members to executive leadership) on the subject of “Unconscious Bias”, and everyone was both impressed and inspired. Additionally, being the company representative responsible for coordinating the event with Christina, I can tell you that she is an absolute pleasure to work with – well organized, professional, flexible, and very pleasant to work with.”
--Scott Pitzer Senior Financial Leader, Boeing Company
“Thumper is phenomenal, not just at speaking... but at messaging! She crafted inspirational remarks for our youth aerospace camp applicable not only to military military service, but to the greatest challenges in life. She presents the heart of a warrior, forged through life lessons and the fires of adversity. Our organization was truly fortunate to have her share her wisdom with so many impressionable rising leaders.”
-- Winston Campbell Senior Systems Engineer, OGSystems
“Thumper has a way of making good things better! Her initiative and willingness to serve in whatever role she plays in the team, is an example for everyone. She values the team and will put her energy towards striving to meet the collective goal.”
-- Jennifer-Ruth Green Commander, 112nd Communications Flight, Indiana Air National Guard
“I had the privilege to have Christina be our guest speaker. Christina instantaneously captivated our group with her background. Even though it was virtual, all were inspired by her message and felt empowered by her purpose to mentor and encourage people to overcome barriers in their life. Knowing she would be our speaker, I had our three daughters (ages 18, 19, and 21) join the presentation because I knew they would receive so much from seeing someone who had accomplished so much — I was right! It was truly a pleasure to work with Christina. If your organization is looking for an amazing speaker, you won’t find any better than Christina “Thumper” Hopper. Request her now!”
-- Andre Lewis, President of Literary Tools 501 (c)(3) and Founder of Literary Engineers, LLC
Speaking Topics
Courage to Risk - adopting mindsets that move us from fear to flourishing
Just FACE it! - how to Forgive, Accept, Capture, and Evaluate failure, move past fear and defeat the snowball effect.
Thumper can also speak on various diversity or specific mindset topics by special request.
Travels From: Oklahoma City, OK
Christina Hopper is a courage, resilience and growth mindset teacher who blends her unique psychology and teaching background with diverse life experiences that show you how to move from trauma and failure to victory. As a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force, a decorated combat veteran and one of the first Black female fighter pilots, Christina has overcome multiple challenges on the military and leadership battlefields. As a wife of 22 years, mom of three teenagers, and accomplished runner and triathlete, she has conquered adversity on life’s battlefield. Her stories and strategies of faith, family, flying and fitness will spur you on your own growth journey.
Christina is a former Air Force F-16 combat and instructor pilot, current Air Force Reserve T-38 evaluator pilot, and First Officer at Delta Air Lines. She has more than 2,500 hours in fighter and trainer aircraft and currently trains the next generation of fighter and bomber pilots. Originally from San Antonio and a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Christina holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Education with a focus on teaching and learning. She continues her education and mastery of her topics through extensive self-study in resilience and mindset disciplines.